Say Her Name Memorial Gown Rotunda Installation
This installation in the UAG’s Rotunda asks viewers to reflect on the lives of Black women lost to racism and violence.

September 13, 2021 - October 1, 2021
Award-winning costume designer Karen J. Gilmer, Department of Theatre Arts, designed and hand sewed this gown which pays homage to the vibrant boldness of Black women in the face of ongoing violence, horror, and terror. Gilmer hand-inscribed the names of the 100+ Black women slain by the police in the United States over the past five years. The dress, which was based on vintage photographs and advertisements from Ebony and Jet magazines, is made of white cotton Baptiste fabric to honor the lives of enslaved Black Americans. The installation also features audio of Tyler Cruz (A&S ’17) reading the list the Black women memorialized, adding texture to the viewing experience.
Say Her Name Memorial Gown is part of the Black Lives in Focus initiative. The installation was made possible with the support of the University of Pittsburgh Library System, ULS Archives & Special Collection, Department of Theatre Arts, Pitt’s Year of Engagement, and Pitt’s Center for Bioethics & Law.